Bonus SmS

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

130-150 Character SmS, Good Morning Sms,

  • Why the sun sets and rise every day ????Socho socho !??So that u can wish good morning and good evening to your loving ones!

  • Mornings are refreshing like friendship, it may not stay all day long, but for sure it comes forever every day. Good Morning.

  • Good morning MY DEAR. Do U know what is MY DEAR... M-Myself Y-Yield D-Deeply & E-Emotionally to A-An R-Rare person, that is U.

  • welcome every day as a new day, special day, good day, wondwerful day and happy day. enjoy every part of the whole day.

  • Entry of new persons may change your lifestyle and make u happy but those persons will never replace the missed ones..... goodmorning!

  • There is nothing more painful then the person whom you love is lying on your shoulder crying for the person whom they love - good morning.

  • The hardest person to beat n dis world s the one who can smile on the face f smile wateuer the situation is.goodmorning

  • The minute you think of giving up any relation, think of the reason why you held it so long. Good morning and have a nice day.

  • as u rise up to start a nu dy may the glory of God guide u and bring u tour blessings. gud morning.

  • my 1 hart 2 eyes 1 tong 2 hands 16 fingers 4 thumbs in short my all body saying to u by thier own happinies a gooood morning

  • What will this day hold As i blindly venture in Itll only hold what i allow So with positive thoughts lets begin

  • Sun spread rays,star close eyes, moon windup his cool brightness, open your eyes and spread smile to make day bright. Good Morning

  • If You Can, Help Others....... If You Cannot Do That, At least Do Not Harm Them....

  • If You Can, Help Others....... If You Cannot Do That, At least Do Not Harm Them.... Good
  • Morning Have Nice Day

  • The only reason for unhappiness is ur Expectations.... So dnt expect without ur efforts. gud mrng

  • worth is more important than birth. So try to be worthy before your life becomes empty.... gud mrng

  • Let ur thoughts fly ,but it should be high, dnt forget to try,even if u fail,bcoz success never hides. gud mrng

  • I made a cup of tea, Special for U. There is no sugar, but the sender is sweet. Good Morning

  • Arise & shine coz you were half dead during the night but the rise of the sun has given you a new start. Good morning

  • on this cool cool morning in u r sweet sweet room I send a sun to wish u gudmrng.

    Unknown said...

    A very good sms! The same is for us guys, too. I am enjoying it because of these so funny. Actually, I am looking forGood Morning SMS. Do you have?

    Unknown said...

    A very good sms! The same is for us guys, too. I am enjoying it because of these so funny. Actually, I am looking forGood Morning SMS. Do you have?

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