Bonus SmS

Thursday, May 20, 2010

SantaBanta Sms

  • Jeeto: My husband`s career is in the ruins.
    Preeto: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.
    Jeeto: There is nothing to be sorry about. He is an Archaeologist
  • Some things are made for each other, For example,
    Shoe and Socks, Soap and Water, Paper and Pen,
    Me and ur Girl Friend.
  • If u fall, `Nobody` will care 4 u.
    If u die, `Nobody` will cry 4 u.
    Coz `Nobody` loves u.
    Oh by the ways, my name is `Nobody`.
  • Long time ago only idiots used to read my sms.
    And today, the history continues.
  • I would have answered your letter sooner, but you did not write me one.
  • Are you free for the rest of your life because I want a wife.
  • You can fall from a mountain,
    You can fall from a tree,
    But the best way to fall is,
    To fall in love with me.
  • Son: Mummy, do all fairy tales begin wid `Once upon a time?`
    Mummy: No sumtimes dey start wid, `Darling, I hav 2 work a little late at d office 2nyt.`
  • Ku Ka Ka Ka Ka
    Ku Ke Ki Ki Ka
    Ga Gi Gu Ga Ga
    Gi Gi Ga
    Congratulations, you have successfully learnt the monkey`s language.
    Come to collect ur Banana.
  • Boy 1: There are several girls in our college who don`t want to marry.
    Boy 2: How do you know?
    Boy 1: I have proposed to many of them.

  • I know you think I am cute,
    I know you think I am fine,
    But like the other guys,
    Take a number and wait in line.
  • Santa: Waiter, what soup is this?
    Waiter: It is Bean Soup, Sir.
    Santa: I don`t want to know what it has been, what it is now?
  • Banta: Who is an archaeologist?
    Santa: A person whose career is in ruins.
  • Pappu: Papa, have you ever gone to Egypt?
    Santa: No, why do you ask that?
    Pappu: Well, where did you get this mummy from?
  • Think well, work well, eat well, sleep well, play well also.
    If u can`t sms me then throw ur mobile in the well.
  • BF: Just one kiss darling please!
    GF: But why do you beg so much for one kiss?
    BF: If u give me that, the rest will follow without my asking.
  • Always kiss on the first date, you might not get another chance.
  • In the past, nobody had a watch but everyone had time. Now everyone has a watch but nobody has time.
  • Secretary: Boss, it`s ur wife on d phone. She says it`s ur birthday & she wants 2 kiss u & hug u over d phone.
    Santa: Take d msg & give it 2 me later.
  • Santa: We have been married for 50 years. Why don`t we kill a chicken tonight?
    Jeeto: Why kill the chicken? It is not his fault.
  • The world`s thinnest book entitled `What Woman Want has only one word written in it,`
  • Man receives telegram - Wife dead. To be buried or cremated?
    Man: Don`t take any chance. Burn the body and bury the ash.
  • After marriage husband and wife become two sides of a coin. They just can not face each other, but still they stay together.
  • Banta: What is a lie-detector machine?
    Santa: It is called wife.
  • Santa: My girlfriend told me that I should be more affectionate.
    Banta: What did you do then?
    Santa: Got two girlfriends.
  • Banta: Why were you wearing sunglasses in the night?
    Santa: I was late for home and wanted to keep my wife in the dark.
  • Marriage is such a romantic story in which the hero dies in the first chapter.
  • Jeeto to Santa: May you grow so rich your widow`s second husband never has to worry about a living!
  • Before marriage - She expects.
    After marriage - She suspects.
    After death - She respects.
  • Banta: Do you think that getting married on a Friday brings bad luck?
    Santa: Of course, why would Friday be an exception?

  • His bad luck has now started. How is that? He has run off with my wife.
  • If your wife wants to learn to drive, don`t stand in her way.
  • The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his cheque book open.
  • Jeeto: Do you ever find life boring?
    Santa: I didn`t until I met you.
  • Banta: What is the difference between a woman and a magnet?
    Santa: Magnet has a positive side.
  • Preeto: My husband has no bad habit.
    Jeeto: Does not he smoke?
    Preeto: Only if he has a good supper, but I cannot remember the last time he smoked.
  • Banta: What book you like the most?
    Jeeto: My husband`s cheque book.
  • Banta: How do you define marriage?
    Santa: A very expensive way to get your laundry done free.
  • Santa: Are you married or do you cook your own food?
    Banta: The answer to both the questions is `yes`.
  • Wife running after a garbage truck yelling: Am I too late for the garbage?
    Driver: No jump in.

  • Santa divorced his wife because she was always complaining about the housework. She didn`t like the way he did it.
  • Banta: Some people kiss with both eyes closed.
    Santa: Too bad, they marry the same way.
  • Truth of life - Mother`s tears hit your heart and wife`s tears hit your pocket.
  • Santa: I want to find out if I have grounds for a divorce?
    Lawyer: Are you married?
    Santa: Yes, of course.
    Lawyer: Then you certainly have.
  • Never trust a man who says he is the boss at home. He probably lies about other things too.
  • Santa: I always leave an empty carton of milk in the refrigerator just in case someone wants black coffee.
  • When the God made the man first, he got jealous of man`s happiness.
    So, he made a woman.
  • Santa: When I am gone you will never find another man like me.
    Jeeto: What makes you think I would want another man like you?
  • Santa: If I could buy silence from the market I would have bought it.
    Jeeto: Give me Rs 500/- and I will keep quite for a day.
  • Santa: Where do you want to go for our anniversary?
    Jeeto: Somewhere I have never been.
    Santa: How about the kitchen?

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