Bonus SmS

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Quotes Sms

Everyone will not get everything,
This is the RULE of LIFE,
Dont try to get which is not yours.
But dont dare to loose which is yours..!
Never conclude a person by his present statusbecause time has the great powerto change a useless coal into a valuable diamond.
Being happy doesn’t meanthat everything is perfect.
It means that you’ve decidedto look beyond the imperfections.
There are two types of people who are failures in life. ..
Those who do not listen to anybodyandthose who listen to everybody
You are not responsible forwhat people think about you.
But you are responsible forwhat you give them to think about you.
The people who accept criticism arethe ones wo are genuinelyinterested in self improvement.
“Disappointment is just theDistance between Expectation & Reality.
So either Expect less & Accept the RealityOR Expect a lot & Turn into a Reality”.
The Real Art Of ConversationIs Not Only To Say The Right Thing At The Right Time,But Also To Leave Unsaid The Wrong ThingAt The Tempting Moment.
The Appearence Of Things ChangeAccording To The Emotions,And Thus We See Magic And Beauty In Them,While The Magic And Beauty Are Really In Ourselves
I’ve learned..I came alone and i’ve to go alone
I’ve learnedPeople r with u only when they need u, not otherwise
I’ve learned.Extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not appreciation
I’ve learnd..A simple LIE of ur close one can break you more than anything
I’ve learndIts very hard to weep alone when there is no shoulder to support U
ULTIMATELYI’ve learnd..Help people but not upto the point beyond ur dignity..!
Success isn’t a matter of being d best& winning d race.Success is a matterof handling d worst& still finishing d race.
Don’t spoil what you haveby desiring what you don’t have...Bcoz...What you have now,is one of the many things you once prayed for..!!
Every King was once a crying babyandevery great building was once a map.It’s not important where u r TODAY,BUTwhere you will reach TOMORROW is important.

Nothing in the nature lives for itself
Rivers don’t drink their own water
Trees don’t eat their own fruit
Sun doesn’t give heat for itself
Moon doesn’t ever go on honeymoon
Flowers don’t spread fragrance for themselves
Moral:Living for Others is the Rule of Nature


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