Bonus SmS

Friday, May 21, 2010

Smile Sms

Do u know the relation between smile and your face?
Your face looks good with a smile but smile looks more good when it is on your face...So keep smiling
Cute lines..!!
Don't Depress urself in any moment of life.
Live it with a face full of smile.
Y waste time crying when u know u r here just for a while...!
A Pure hearted person can have a wonderful smile that even make his Enemy to feel Guilty for being his enemy. Keep smiling forever….
A Smile costs less than Electricity, bt?gives mor Light,?So alwayz Smile?and?prove that you are tha best BULB in the world
Smile is d best credit card coz-
1- Accepted worldwide
2- Auto reload
3- Unlimited usage
4- No payment at all
5- Makes everyone happy..
So keep smiling! :-)

U know what is the largest word in english language.
"SmileS" bcoz there is mile between two "S". (S mile S). So
spread smiles everywhere
Smile to old means Respect
Smile to child mean Innocence
Smile to friend means Care
Smile in front of mobile, a mental case!
Still smiling? ;-)
Heart Can Skip Beats 4 a While
Memories can be kept in a file
A desert can replace the Nile
NOthing can stop a smile when ur name appears on my mobile.
Today I Gave some1 ur cell no.
She will be visiting u soon. plz attend her properly.
I asked to stay with you forever.
Her name is SMILE...
You Can Hide Alot …
Behind A SMILE
B r o k e n
H e a r t
S h a t t e r e d
D r e a m s
L o n g i n g
D e s i r e s …
Some times….When I’m all alone.
I close my eyes and think of you…
and the thought of your love worms
me inside and make me smile.
A smile gives red colour 2 ur cheeks,
White 2 ur teeth,
Pink colour 2 ur lips,
Silver colour 2 ur eyes,
So keep smiling
enjoy the colours of life
Silence on lips may avoid many problems…But,smiling on lips may solve all the problems….So always have that sweet silent smile…..
Only Eyes Speak The Truth,
Neither Mirror Nor The Lips..
The Person Who Cares 4 You,
Can See The Pain In Ur Eyes,
While Every One Else..
Still Believes In Ur Smile..!!
Keep the smile,
Leave the tear,
Think of joy,
Forget the fear ,
Hold the laugh,
Leave the pain,
Be jouyous till i sms again


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