Bonus SmS

Monday, May 24, 2010

Love Messages

When you love
you get hurt.
When you get hurt
you hate.
When you hate
you try to forget.
When you try to forget
you start missing.
When you start missing
you fall in love again..!

Never waste an opportunity 2 say
‘I love U’ to someone U really like
B’coz it is not everyday U’ll meet the person
Who has the magic to let U fall in love.

If I get your smile, I don’t need flowers.
If I get your voice, I don’t need music.
If you speak to me, I don’t listen any body else,
If you are with me, I don’t need the world.
Love You

A candle may melt
and it’s fire may die,
but the love you have
given me will always
stay as a flame in my heart.

Perfect Definition of Love
To give someone the complete
authority to destroy you
At the same time being confident
that he Or she will never do it!

A smile to put you on high…
A kiss to set your soul alright…
Would it be alright if
I spent tonight being loved by you?

The greatest weakness
of most humans
is their hesitancy
to tell others
how much they love them
while they’re alive.

If a kiss was a raindrop I’d send you showers,
If a hug was a second I’d send you hours,
If happiness was sand I’d send you the sea,
If love was a person I’d send you me.

What’s love?
Those who don’t like it call it a responsibility.
Those who play with it call it a game.
Those who don’t hv it call it a dream.
for me it’s U.

Some say they love rain,
but when it rains,
they use an umbrella.
Some say they love the sun
but when the sun shines,
they search for shade.
Some say they love the wind
but when it’s windy,
they close their windows.
That’s why,
I am scared,
when someone says :
“I love U”

Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
and most precious of all,
Love endures all things.
Come we love and make things happy.

You are a gift wrapped in
ribbons of thoughtfulness and
trimmed with kisses and smiles,
given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life.

If I were to describe true love than
I would describe it as
what a snowman did to a snow woman,
he gave her a warm hug and
they both melted in each others arms.

I will walk with you
in every step of life
but just promise me
you’ll hide your wings
every time we walk together,
coz I don’t want the world to know
that my friend is an Angel.

Love is not winning someone,
but loosing yourself to someone.
When you are loved by someone,
it’s not due to your excellence of mind
but due to purity of your heart.

If i could be any part of U I wud be ur tear,
To be conceived in ur heart born in ur eyes…
Live on ur cheeks
die on ur lips…..

Sun can’t come to earth but send love as rays.
Cloud can’t come to river but send her love as rain,
I can’t come to you but sending my good wishes.

In the ocean of your blue eyes;
Isee the image of mine;
so I dive in yours heart;
to measure the depth of love

Love tip-

It is advisable to over react
whenever ur partner is in trouble.
It is an opportunity to express
your love and solitude to him..

The most beautiful words
by a wounded heart
“I Never Stopped Loving You,
I Just Stopped Showing It”…

Never give yourself to some one
cos love is varied
it does not have guarantee,
we play cos it’s a game of intelligence
need hard work to get inside a person.

“Affection Is Not Measured
When Both Take Care Of Each Other
It Is Measured
When One Ignores
And The Other Still Continues To Care…”

Love is possible after friendship
friendship is not possible after love
medicines work before death
later nothing can be cured….!!!

Sometimes we fall in love so deep
that we find it so hard to climb out
even when the whole is threatening to fall,
remember despite all our problems
I love you always.

When i tell u here, i am
when i tell u i care, i do…
when i tell u i’ll never Leave u, i wont.
Sum it all…i’ll b here, i’ll never get tired
of caring here 4u & i won’t leave u.

We live in dreams but dreams may die
Don’t get shattered n never ever cry
The world is big n has lots to give
Pick a new dream n start to live~^
Good Morning

V….is for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine
A… for I will Always be yours
L… for Love at its most extreme
E… for Everlasting love ; Ecstatic love.
N… for Never-ending love
T… for we will Always be Together forever
I… for you being Intelligent and Innocent;
N….is 4 Natures naughty way of saying I luv you to
E… for Eternity our love is so ever lasting .

Before you came in my life,
I just need Food, Water & Oxygen to live.
But now including these,
I also need 2 more things to be alive.
They are YOUR LOVE & CARE!!!

Two Butterflies
Were In Love.
1 Day They
Decided To Play
Hide N Seek,
They Fixed A
Flower & Decided That,
Tomorrow 1 Who Will Come First & Sit On This Flower
Will Love The Other More.
At Morning The Male Butterfly Came Very Early
& Waited For The Flower To Open.
When It Opened,
He Was Shocked To See That,
The Female Butterfly Had Died Inside It,
Bcoz She Was Waiting Since Last Night To Tell Him…!!

You’re the air that I breath,
You’re the words that I read,
You’re the light that I see and,
Your love is all that I need.

“A HEART die’s when
it is not able to share’s its FEELINGS…,
But a HEART Kills itself when
another Heart does not Understands its Feelings.

Words of Lover Boy:
My eyes know that
i m not perfect match 4 him.
my heart has no eyes or ears,
So it’s been beating 4 her..

It may blossom in the spring,
when the Sun shines in,
and birds do sing.
Grow this rose of beauty within,
as thorns spring forth,
at a new days end.
From lessons of life,
this love will shine through,
God has created a most beatiful You.

Death is not the greatest loss in life
The greatest loss of life is
when relationship dies among us
while we r alive
B strong in your Relations.

My Heart To You Is Given,
Oh Dear, Do Give Yours To Me,
We’ll Lock Them Up Together
And Throw Away The Key …

It is very tough to believe a stranger,
But if someone loves U more than Fish loves Water,
Holds UR hand tight with tears in his eyes & says,

” The moment I saw U
I fell in love with U
I can’t live without U
& wanna spend the rest of my life with U

Wat wil U reply ?

I love the air,
because it touches you.
I love the sun,
because it falls on you.
I love my heart,
because it loves you

My love for you has a never ending supply
It will never be lacking It will never get dry
Often I wonder And ask myself,
Why do I feel, Without you I’d die?

Love is not something that happens on first sight,
It happens when you start knowing each other,
And it turn ending up needing each other,
For every feeling,for every thought and for every moment

Love is like a war,
easy to start,
difficult to end.
What do you want
peace or war?

Look at sun and you see time.
Look in heart and you see love.
Look in eyes and you see life.
Look at your mobile and
you always see my sms.

Open Hearts receive (love)
Open minds receive (wisdom)
open hands receive (gift)


Give laugh to all but smile to one,
Give cheeks to all but lips to one,
Give love to all but Heart to one,
Let everybody love you
But you love one.

What is LOVE?

L for Land of sorrow.
O for Ocean of tears.
V for Velley of death.
E for End of life

Love in life is like a boomerang,
once you try to dump your loved one
that’s when they keeps coming back
coz you are bound like a dog and its tail,
meaning once you love, you always being loved.

Love doesnt ask
Who r u?
Love only says
U r mine
Love doesnt ask
Where do u live?
Love says
U live in my heart
Love doesnt ask
Do u love me?
Love only says
I love u

Question for Lovers
Who is very close to you..?
The one who gave you tears
The one who wipe your tears.
Reply with a reason…… Waiting.

Love is not about expressing with heavy words
It’s all about understanding,
A gentle touch and a pure Heart.

Accidents do happen.
i slip- i trip- i stumble-
i fall & usually i dont
care at all.but now i dont
know what to do coz
i slipped and fell in love with u….

Love is like chewing gum
it tastes only in the beginning
But friendship is like chocolate
it tastes till it ends.

If knowing you is wrong,
I’ll choose not to be right.
If loving you is a crime,
I’ll prefer to be called a criminal.
Just to have you to myself.

Love is when
There are a million things
you wanna say to someone
when they look you in eyes and hold you in arms
nothing in life matters
other than being with that person at the moment

The way you look into my eyes, it scares me,
The way you say I Love You, it scares me,
The way you know just what to say, it scares me,
The ways you scare me I love it.

I loved her from my heart,
She touched my soul n shake my heart,
I found her mine, but that wasn’t true,
I cried all night but she never dew,
Was it wrong to express my love?
Was it the same reason she left?

Love saves when all hope is gone.
It comes in form of friendship
and offers the greatest sacrifice.
It is the right hand that washes the left hand.
Truly nothing makes most sense to me like
begining and ending my day with my love.

Life is pretty much unpredictable.
I may not live long enough
but I won’t miss out letting you know
that life is worth living
with someone like you around.

Love is like a cloud… love is like a dream…
love is 1 word and everything in between…
love is a fairytale come true…
Because I found love when I found You.

When I stop thinking about you,
Blessing my heart will cease
and freeze like ice.
you mean much to me
like heaven on earth.
I love you!

Its difficult to hide now
more difficult to show
I love you more than anything else
how to let you know
may be these words are not enough
but to say in-front of you, is too tough
I love you

1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.
1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.
1st time i kiss u i was scared to love u.
but now that i love u i’m scared 2 lose u!

I’m glad you are thoughtful,
I’m glad you are understanding,
I’m glad you are so much fun to be around,
But most of all…
I’m glad you are with me
Love You..

When time comes for you
to be in love with someone
make sure you choose a right person
who can care and show concern at any time,
any moment and not only loves you
but also loves what you want.

i went 2 c d cardiologist 2day.
ECG showed anomalies in my heart’s mode of operation.
The doc said my heart was missing something 4 proper functioning.
I was rushed 2 d theater & surgery was about 2 commence
when i told the doc that surgery cud not solve d problem.
cause my heart was missing u!

Test Of Love Is Not When
We Are Together
It Comes When
We Are Not Together
Realize That Despite The Distance
= Love Still There =

One sided love never fly high,
one day it will die.
So never try and never cry
for the love which easily dry.

I am not a painter to paint you
I am not a creator to create you
I am not a destroyer to destroy you
I am not a teacher to teach you
But I am a man to love you

think by heart even if its broken.

I Was a Smoker!!!
Once I Read: “Smoking Is Injurious To Health”
I QUIT Smoking.
I Used To Drink WINE
I Read: “WINE is Bad For Health”
I Left Drinking.
I LOVE Someone
Once I Read: “Love is an illusion”
You Know What I Did?
I Left “Reading”!

In a day if i have to say ‘i love u’
whenever i remembered u,
i have to say 86400 times per a day….
because u r my one and only love…..

I am a Loner
Seeking a Lover
Can’t find a Boy
Who can give me Joy
Now that I have You
I will never lost You
Coz My Love is True.

Love don’t ask who are you?
Love only say you are MINE.
Love don’t ask where are you?
Love only say you live in my HEART.
Love don’t ask do you £ove me?
Love only say I LOVE You..

Two things are never defined in whole life,
1 is LOVE:
Bcoz u never know who LOVES u how much.
2nd Friend:
Bcoz u never know how deeply they care About U.

Life is railway station in which love is a train,
It will come and go at any time but,
friendship is the track that will be there forever,
so keep in touch.

Boy: Wat u’ll do if I die?
Girl Naughtily Said: I’ll b happy !
Next day She got news that Boy died
& He left a letter for her
I can do anything to Make yOu Happy

Do you know why people say that
you don’t feel sleepy when you are in love?
Bcoz for the 1st time you find reality
more beautiful than your dream

A HEART die’s
when it is not able to share its FEELINGS.
but a HEART Kills itself
when another Heart
doesn’t Understands it’s FEELINGS.

Love is like a cloud.
Love is like a dream.
Love is 1 word and everything in between.
Love is a fairytale come true.
Coz I found Love when I found you.

Definition of Lady Doctor:
“is that beautiful dashing Girl
wearing angel white coat,
holding your hand lookng into your eyes
& still want your pulse to be normal”

Live for the one,who can die 4 u
Smile for the one,who cries for u
Fight for the one,who protects u
And,love the one,who loves u more than u

Court Order!!
You Are Accused of Crawling into my inbox
& Hijacking My Smile with your cute massages.
You Are Sentenced to be MY SWEET HEART FOR LIFE

You are a wonderful mother,
dear old Mother of mine.
You’ll hold a spot down deep in my heart,
‘Till the stars no longer shine.
Your soul shall live on forever,
On through the fields of time.
For there’ll never be another to me,
Like that wonderful Mother of mine.

Heaven is not the one
which you see after your death,
True Heaven is the one
which you can see here in my True Love.

Let love fill your heart instead of hate.
When hate is in your heart,
there’s room for nothing else,
but when love is in your heart,
there’s room for endless happiness.

True bondings are not measured
by time spent together
or the favours done for each others,
but the comfort you find
when you realize you have each other.

Look at the Sun you will feel the power of God
Look at the moon you will feel the beauty of God.
Look at the mirror you will feel the Love of God.

If you love someone,
set them free.
If they don’t come back,
then call them up when you’re drunk.

It is easy to forget but it is hard to remember
It is easy to study but it is hard to practice
It is easy to fall in love but it is hard to love
It is easy to say “I love you” but
it is hard to say “I wanna marry you”

To say “I love You” is more valuable
than granting flowers or money.
Love is not a flower nor money to be bought,
but a feelings that come deeper from heart.
… I LOVE U …

When somebody who’s deeply in love with you
tells you that you’re cute, beautiful, and angelic.
I agree that’s true, believe me, I swear.
Cause love is blind!

What is the difference between a Coffee Shop and a Wine Shop ?
Coffee Shop is the Beginning of Love and
Wine Shop is the ending of Love.

You are the sun in my day,
The wind in my sky,
The waves in my ocean,
And the beat in my heart.

Love is not something that happens on first sight,
It happens when you start knowing each other,
And it turn ending up needing each other,
For every feeling,for every thought and for every moment

R: is for red.
RED: is for blood
BLOOD: is for heart
HEART: is for love
LOVE: is for you
YOU: is for me
ME: is for you.
:: I MISS YOU ::

This is a moon which learns from you,
That is a sun which respects you,
There are stars which shine for you,
And here… It’s me who live for you

Don’t search luv, let luv find u.
It’s called falling in luv,
coz u don’t force urself to fall,
u just fall and there will be someone to catch U

In life Luv is never planned
nor does it happen for a reason.
But when Luv is real,
it becomes ur Plan for life
ur reason for living.

When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there.
Hope we can be like that.
We dont always see each other,
but we will always be there for one another
Missing you

Life spent with someone
for a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moments spent
with someone who really loves U,
Means more than a life itself!

If 10 people care 4 u,
one of them is me,
if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again,
if no 1 cares 4 u that means
i m not in this world.

I thought love was just a mirage of the mind,
it’s an illusion,
it’s fake,
impossible to find.
But the day I met you,
I began to see,
that love is real,
and exists in me.


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